New Discovery

About two weeks ago, my co-workers convinced me that I needed to go to the doctor. I had been coughing uncontrollably and ridiculously hard. Almost everyone in the office had a sinus infection or was on some sort of antibiotics. On the 24th of February I went to the doctor convinced that I had the same thing. However, I found out that I had bronchitis, but did not need antibiotics. I also found out that the pain I was having in my chest was from a pulled muscle from coughing so hard all the time, so the doctor prescribed me a cough syrup with Codeine in it and told me to use a nose spray for my congestion. After taking the cough syrup, I woke up like this...

I had hives all over my face, neck, and arms and I couldn't feel half of my face due to the swelling. I called my mom and she said I was probably allergic to Codeine. She asked me about my breathing and eye sight and I told her both were fine. She also told me to call the doctor when they opened. In the mean time, I got ready for work and went in. When I got there my boss thought someone beat me up. It became the running joke in the office. I got a hold of the doctor and described my symptoms to her and she said I am definitely allergic to the Codeine. The doctor told me that if I had any trouble breathing to go to the emergency room right away. She told me to take a ton of allergy medicine and to continue to take Zyrtec for the next week. The doctor also said she couldn't prescribe me anything else and I'd just have to deal with over the counter medicines. They didn't help but luckily I was able to get a lot of sleep and the cough started going away. Over the next week or so the swelling eventually went down and the hives went away. I am still dealing with a little bit of a cough and what feels like dry skin from the hives. I'm just glad my reaction wasn't any worse than it was.

k.young  – (March 11, 2009 at 9:59 PM)  

Oh my gosh! How awful. It sucks to find out the hard way that you are allergic to a medicine. Glad you are feeling better.

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