Hit the Books

Well, school started yesterday (April 19) for Kacey and me.  So far nothing too exciting to report.  I'm taking another photography class and I'm pretty excited about it.  I already have photos due tomorrow.  I don't know what I think about them.  I'll post them at the end.  Today, Kacey went over to our neighbor's because their son was banging on the wall.  Kacey and I have had to deal with these neighbors since we moved to Idaho and frankly, we can't stand them.  There's a lot of stories about that.  Anyway, since school started we're fed up with all the noise (we're pretty convinced that they are running a day care our of their apartment).  So Kacey went over to ask the mom to stop her kid from banging on our wall.  First of all, Kacey had to pound on the door to get our neighbor to answer it and the she said, "I didn't even hear him pounding."  Kacey asked her to keep him quite and our neighbor went off about how horrible we are as neighbors and how we're really loud... which we aren't and we know we aren't.  Furthermore, she said we were "so loud between 4 and 9 last night that [they] had to leave to get away from it."  Problem is... Kacey and I were both at work between 4 and 9 last night... didn't even get home until around 10:30.  Kacey told her to stop lying and she slammed the door in his face.  Typical really.  But, we haven't heard much out of them since... so hopefully they can learn to be reasonably quiet.  Anyway, here are my pictures I took...


"Ice Cave" Adventure

On April 5th, Kacey decided he wanted to go out to the Ice Caves that are about 30 miles outside Rexburg.  So we got ready and set out in the truck.  We figured there would still be some snow and that my car wouldn't make it.  Anyway, we never made it to the Ice Caves because of the ridiculous amount of snow.  It didn't seem that deep until we got out of the truck and sunk down in snow above our knees.  Check it out.

The Road
Kacey putting chains on the truck
Oh ya, he had to back up to put the chains on the truck
The truck on "top" of the snow
DEEP snow



Here are a couple cards I've made recently.  This one was for my mother-in-law who broke her leg.

This one was for my brother, Abe's, birthday.  Hopefully he's gotten it by now.
I tried to make it manly.


Kacey's Mustache March

During the month of March, Kacey's work had a mustache competition.  Whoever won would get a $100 girt card at Best Buy.  Kacey really wanted to win.  Ever since school ended for us in December, Kacey had been growing his facial hair (which I hated).  Anyway, the night before the pictures were to be taken Kacey made me help him shave his face... Here's how it turned out.

No word on who won yet.



Today, my baby girl was put to rest.  I got Lucy for my 12th birthday from my brother, Abe.  She has been my best friend ever since then.  She knew when I was upset and would frequently come sit with me to make me feel better.  She gave you five and had a bit of an attitude.  Over the last year she lived with my mom because we couldn't have her here in Idaho.  The past couple monthes her health deterioted to the point where she would be suffering if she stayed alive much longer.  I had my baby girl for 10 years.  I loved her and she is dearly missed.

Lucy's Last Day
This picture taken this morning.


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