Day 13 - Photo Journal

When Kacey and I have the same day off we kind of put everything off and spend time together.  It doesn't happen very often.  Today we went driving around.  We went out to R Mountain and the just found trails we could take the truck down.  It was pretty fun.  We did a little geocaching along the way.  I don't know what picture I want to put up so there will be a few.


Day 12 - Photo Journal

I work at Michaels in Idaho Falls.  Don't get me wrong, I like my job (for the most part) but some days I just don't want to do it anymore.  I spend at least 20 hours a week in this building.  Today wasn't that nice of a day outside but when I left work it looked pretty nice outside.  This picture kind or shows how I'm stuck at work when it's nice outside.


Day 11 - Photo Journal

We have a rather extensive movie collection.  Today Kacey found a computer software that organizes everything he could ever think of when it comes to his movies.  Guess what I got to do tonight after work?
This isn't even half of what we have


Day 10 - Photo Journal

Today I had a field trip for my natural disasters class.  It was really interesting but so exhausting.


Day 9 - Photo Journal

Kacey really REALLY likes salt water taffy.  I surprised him with some.


Day 8 - Photo Journal

I really need to get to bed earlier...


Day 7 - Photo Journal

Almost every night I help Kacey with his math homework.  Some nights become mornings.


Day 6 - Photo Journal

Today... was not a good day... end of story


Day 5 - Photo Journal

The packing for our move has begun.  Oh joy...


Day 4 - Photo Journal

Today I had to go over to our storage unit to look for something.  I didn't find it but this desk was sitting by the building.  I thought it was a little strange.


Day 3 - Photo Journal

I forgot to get this up yesterday... oops!  Anyway, a couple weeks ago Kacey ordered a new shower head.  Every apartment we've lived in has had an issue with water pressure and we've bought numerous shower heads trying to mitigate the problem.  It came a couple days ago and it is pretty much amazing!


Day 2 - Photo Journal

Today Kacey and I went driving around for a little bit in the truck.  We were trying to get to R Mountain but there is so much water here that we couldn't figure it out.  Here are a couple pictures of the adventure.


Day 1 - Photo Journal

So, my photography class gave an assignment to pretty much document my life for two weeks.  I have to take a "meaningful" photograph everyday that depicts my life.  So, for a while there are going to be a lot of blog updates.  Here is my picture for today.

This has been my study spot recently.  It's not the best spot but it doesn't hurt to sit here for a long time.  Only downside is that I tend to fall asleep sitting on the bed. 


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