First Week of 2011

The first week of 2011 has been pretty relaxed for the most part.  Kacey is working at Best Buy and found out this week that they are keeping him on.  Kacey and I were both hired on as seasonal temporary workers and have both been hired on as permenant.  Which is a HUGE releif.  We're barely making enough to get by without our student loans but we are making it!  Such a blessing!  I was recently promoted to FES (front end supervisor) at Michaels!  I'm excited about it.  It's not much of a pay increase but it is a lot more hours.  I'm going from working maybe 12 hours a week to working at least 20 a week.  Kacey somehow has a knack for taking other people's shifts at work.  He's been scheduled on average about 15 hours a week and usually ends up working 30+ with all the shifts he works for people.

Kacey and I are both finding ourselves with a lot of free time because we are not in school until April.  I have picked up another hobby/craft that I've been wanting to do since I was in high school.  KNITTING!  I've had a Knifty Knitter for quite a while and have made this with it.
It's a shawl/scarf.
The other day I got bored enough to pick up my knitting books that I've had for a LONG time and figure out how to knit using the needles.  And I found that it really isn't all that hard!  I think the hardest part is keeping count of my stiches.
Kacey has me working on a blanket.  I started it and realized that I didn't have the right sized needles so I ordered the right ones online and am waiting for them to come so I can start over.
I've also done quite a few more scrapbook pages.  I've gotten pretty far behind on them and now I have the time to catch up.  I'm really glad I have this blog because it helps me remember what we've done and what to scrapbook.

Anyway, that's all for now!


The Rest of 2010

After Thanksgiving Kacey and I were pretty busy.  We had 3 weeks of school left including finals week plus work.  We made it out of school pretty well.  Kacey finished with a 3.8 GPA and I finished with a 4.0!  Which makes us both really excited!  For one, that means I keep my full acedemic scholarship and two, that Kacey should be eligable for a scholarship when it comes around again!  That means we should both have scholarships, loans, and our jobs to support us through school!  What a blessing!

Kacey and I are also putting our applications into BYU in Provo.  If we don't get in this time we will be completing our educaitons at BYU-Idaho.  We'd really like to get to Provo so we can be closer to family and be rid of these rediculously cold days.  Yes, Provo gets cold but not like Rexburg.  It hasn't been above 30ish since Thanksgiving and most days we're lucky to hit the double digits.  Needless to say, we spend a lot of time inside.

This year for Christmas Kacey and I were not able to be in Colorado due to work and money.  However, my mom came out here to spend it with us.  It was a much needed visit for both Kacey and me.  We've both had a hard time this past semester being away from family and living in a small town.  My mom got here on Tuesday, December 21 and left Sunday, December 26.  Her visit was enough of a Christmas present for us but she also dediced to stock our pantry and fridge.  Take a look at this picture of all our food!  Keep in mind it's still not all put away and our fridge (and freezers for that matter) are stocked to the brim.
She also got us some other things for Christmas including this.
I think it's beautiful.
Kacey's favorite gift came from his parents.  He's been wanting one since we got married.
Now, he tries to fry everything and recently bought a pack of twinkies that he swears I will love fried.  I think I should be afraid...
Kacey got me this.
I've been wanting a label maker for a really long time.  I don't really have a use for one but I LOVE IT!  I keep finding things to label that really don't need labels.  I guess one day it will help me have an organized house (haha). 
My sister sent us this cook book that I'm really excited about.
I keep looking at the small ones but never bought one and now we have the BIG one!  Kacey's Grandma Livingston sent us a cookbook as well and my mom gave me a couple.  I think they are all trying to send me a message...
When Kacey and I got married my mom gave us a "family" ornament for our first Christmas together.  I liked the idea of getting one every year.  Here is this year's.
There is no where that I found around here that sells the kinds I was looking for so I ended up buying this one at my work (Michaels).
For Christmas dinner, Kacey made a ham that we've had in our freezer for almost a year and it turned out really good.  I had the sides and it was a nice dinner.  Christmas was just a lazy day hanging out at home and cooking.  It was nice to just relax with Kacey and my mom.
Christmas came and went and I cried when it was time for my mom to go home.  And then it was back to life for Kacey and me.  We spent New Year's Eve at home doing absolutly nothing.  In fact Kacey watched TV downstairs while I watched something else up in our bedroom.  (I know we're really exciting).
And thus ended our 2010.


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