Major Blog Update
>> Friday, April 2, 2010 –
It's been a long time since I've posted anything really relevant about our lives. I believe the last think about about applying to school. So I guess what is where I will start off. Kacey and I both applied to BYU and BYU-Idaho in early February. Kacey found out almost right away that he got into BYU-I. It took what seemed like forever to find out what track he was assigned to, which turned out to be Spring/Fall. Now that may not seem all that exciting but with him starting school in the Spring means that classes start on April 20th, which still doesn't seem like a big deal until you realized that we found this out on March 8th..... 6 weeks before classes start! AHHHHH!!!! Since I'm considered a transfer student I didn't get my acceptance until the beginning of March, also placed on the Spring/Fall track. So, needless to say, both of us have been a little stressed out about getting this move to Idaho figured out, especially with not knowing where we would be living. Thankfully, we were able to reserve a place to live in married student housing a couple weeks ago. That has taken a load off of my shoulders knowing that we at least have somewhere to live. Here's how our new home is laid out.
floor 1
floor 2 
floor 1

I'm still a little nervous about moving into a place that I've never seen.... but it's student housing so it can't be that bad. Looking at these pictures.... I don't think it has a dishwasher... that will be interesting.
With us going to school, I have had the pleasure of quitting my job at Dish Network! For almost a year I have been answering phones for 8 hours a day... and according to Kacey, I even do it in my sleep. Needless to say, I will not miss that place. My last day was this past Wednesday, March 31st.
So, now Kacey and I are in the mode of get things packed and cleaned. Kacey will be leaving on April 12th to drive his car to Utah and fly back that same evening. We will then pick up our moving truck Tuesday the 13th and load everything up and head to Idaho on the 14th. Then, unload the truck on the 15th and be at orientation on the 16th. Kacey's friend, Neal is also going to school and we will be sharing our truck with him. However, Neal will be going to school at BYU in Provo and can't move into his apartment on April 24th. So, Neal will be spending a week with us in Rexburg before he can move into his place. Oh, and we'll be driving him to Provo and picking up Kacey's car at the same time. Busy, busy, busy.
Since we are living in student housing, we can't take Lucy and Ebony with us. Lucy will be staying with my mom and Ebony will be staying with Kacey's parents. We'll be looking for a place where we can have our dogs in Idaho.
Yeah Kelsey! I am so excited for you and your new adventure! I hope you love school and Rexburg!
Congrats! You will have a fun time in Rexburg.