Since the last time I updated the blog a lot has happened. So, let's pick up where we left off. Oh, just a warning... this is long and is pictureless (I only recently found the camera)
My last day as a customer service representative for Dish Network was March 31st. I can't be any more grateful to be out of that place! And according to Kacey... I don't answer phone calls in my sleep anymore! That's always a a good thing.
The next week was spent cleaning and packing. On Saturday, April 10th Kacey drove to Utah to drop his car off at his grandma's house. The original plan was for him to leave on Monday but there was snow coming and Kacey's car does not do snow. But, since Kacey was gone, my mom came up and saved me life! She stayed the night Friday and helped me all day Saturday. She went home late Saturday night... then drove back up Sunday.... went home... and then she took Monday off and drove back up.... and then went home.... and then she took Tuesday off! Like I said... my mom SAVED MY LIFE!
On Monday the 12th I picked Kacey up from the airport and then headed straight to Greeley to see Kacey's sister, Heather, because she had her baby. On Tuesday we picked up the truck (a big ol' 24 footer!) and got it all loaded up. It was a really really late night. We then went to Kacey's parents house and someone both fit on a single bed. On Wednesday, April 14th we woke up around 9 am and went to pick up Kacey's friend, Neal. Neal was sharing our truck since he was going to go to school at BYU in Provo. We had a McDonald's breakfast and headed out. Kacey drove the truck (Neil rode with him) and I drove my car.
We rolled into Rexburg around 9:30 that evening. Kacey backed the truck up to unload just the basics so we could go to bed and to our surprise almost all the men in our building and the one next to ours came out to help us unload the truck. There were so many people that they actually got 1/2 the truck unloaded by 11:00! I was so grateful. Another thing I was grateful for was our neighbors upstairs, Joe and Tracy. They pulled out their air mattresses and sheets so that we could go to sleep. Kacey and I ended up getting our bed unpacked that night so we didn't end up using them but it was very generous!
That night, Kacey and I needed to go to Walmart for something... I don't remember what it was for... but I do remember that it was essential. To our despair... Walmart in Rexburg closes at night. We ended up driving to Idaho Falls (about 25 miles away) to go to Walmart. On the way there, we got pulled over! The officer told us our tail light was out and we said we would fix it. He also told us he was looking for drunk drivers! Kacey and I thought that was just odd because we now live in "Mini Mormonville" as we call it. But apparently they get a lot of them. I was worried because I couldn't find the current insurance card but luckily the officer just let us go and told us to fix the light.
The next few days were spent unpacking essentials and getting stuff put away. By Saturday the 17th, Kacey and I were wanting our personal space back. We had all of Neal's stuff in our dining room, upstairs closet, and living room. It was hard getting anything unpacked when his stuff was in the way. It just didn't seem like we were getting anywhere.
We went to church on Sunday and Kacey got a Migraine. Kacey had never had a migraine before, let alone a migraine. We ended up leaving after Sacrament Meeting. Kacey said it was because of all the screaming kids, but I thought it might have been just a fluke and exhaustion.
Classes started on April 20th, and Kacey and I hit the books. Kacey ended up re-arranging his schedule big time due to needing to take a different math class. Besides that, the first week of classes went pretty well... despite the fact that we had someone in our home that was always on the computers when we needed them.
Our original plan was to take Neal to Provo and pick up Kacey's car on Saturday the 24th. While I was in class on Friday, Kacey came and got my car to get it ready to go. Kacey and Neal got the car completely PACKED (it really was packed... we could not have gotten anything else into that car.... Neal had to have stuff in his lap and we couldn't even see him in the back seat) and Kacey decided to leave that night instead of in the morning. So we headed to Provo around 5:30 and got there in about 4 hours. After dropping off Neal and unloading Neal's stuff we went back to Kacey's grandma's house, ate sloppy joe's, and went to bed. Neither of us slept very well because it wasn't our bed, but we slept. On Saturday, I wanted to do a little shopping to get some long shirts because they are SO hard to find in Colorado. We found a store I like called Down East Basics and we spent about $50 on 5 or 6 shirts (some undershirts and a few others). We got back to Rexburg around 9:00 Saturday evening.
We went to church the next morning and Kacey got a migraine again! I honestly didn't believe Kacey and got mad that we were going home after Sacrament Meeting but Kacey threw up when we got home. It has to be a pretty bad migraine to throw up and people don't fake that kind of thing. Since then, we've found the family ward that we can go to and Kacey doesn't get migraines there.
Now Kacey and I are just going to school and getting things settled. We've gotten an storage unit and have been slowly moving things we don't need over there, so we no longer have bikes in the kitchen. We've also found a couch (well its a love seat) that we can afford and we're just waiting for that to be delivered. We're debating if we want to sell our beanbag or just put it in storage. It'll go to storage at first and then we'll decide what to do with it.
We're also looking for places to live up here where we can have our dogs. I really hate the idea of moving again right after we just did a BIG move but we miss our dogs and really want them with us. (Lucy is with my mom and Ebony is at Kacey's parents') We get updates about them constantly from both sides (more about Ebony than Lucy but Lucy doesn't do too much that interesting these days... she's old).
We've had to opportunity to meet up with my childhood friend McKenzie and have dinner with her and her husband Michael and I got to meet their little boy. I'm excited to have friends again! McKenzie will graduate this semester and then move away but it's always good to see good old friends. I also have my friend Brittney up here that just got married while Kacey and I were moving. We haven't met up with them yet but we're working on that.
So that is where we are and what we are doing. Oh! The washer and dryer and hooked up and I LOVE THEM! I'm sure there's more I'm leaving out but this is already long and I think it's time for me to go to bed.
Good night world!