Life in Rexburg
>> Wednesday, May 26, 2010 –
... is pretty boring. There really isn't much to do around here. Maybe there is more for the single people or maybe they just have more initiative... I don't know. However, there are a TON of geocashes around here! (for those that don't know what a geochache is While Kacey and I were in Arizona in December 2008, my sister Karen and her husband Dixon took us geocaching and Kacey has been in love with it ever since! (which can sometimes get annoying) Most of the time I'm up for going out and searching with him. That did not used to be the case as he was the only one with a GPS program on his phone... but I have one too now! Anyway, Kacey and I have gone out twice since we got here and this is one of the geochaches we found this last time! Pretty creative if you ask me!

There's a little log book inside the end of the screw! We found it on the back of a speed limit sign.